House of Blues Las Vegas, NV

Concerts in the Park, Dana Point, CA 6,000 in attendance.

House of Blues Anaheim - Sold Out Attendance Photo: Jinnas Rock Legends

House of Blues Las Vegas, NV

Upcoming Shows

APR 5, 2025
Count's Vamp'd
Las Vegas, NV
Lovedrive returns to our favorite
rock venue in Sin City, Count's Vamp'd.

Band Merchandise
Grab some Merch at our live shows! All sizes and styles for Girls & Guys. Shirts, tanks, CD's, posters, wristbands & picks too! (Availability may vary by venue)

Awesome! - saw you last year in Huntington beach at the US festival tribute - I had to do a double take as well. Rock on - Coast to Coast!!! -Larry B.
I've seen other Scorps tributes, but nothing at this level of showmanship and sound! Amazing show guys, the Best! - Scott C.
Saw these guys in Ramona, CA. Great show, as close to seeing the Scorpions as you can get. They played a lot of the Lovedrive Album and more older stuff, which I really like. They played all the big hits too. Hope they are back to San Diego county again soon. I know I’ll be going again. Well done !!!! - John Burke
Everyone in this Band has Great stage presence, that's what I want to see. Plus a great Tribute to one of my favorite Bands. You have to be in great shape when you perform in front of people. I GIVE YOU FIVE STARS ☆☆☆☆☆ - Armando C.